Saree, Not Sorry! 8 Common Fashion Faux Pas to Avoid When Wearing a Saree
A Fashion Faux pas or mistake is given so much importance in the world of Fashion and Style. Whether it’s wearing a pair of Jeans and a T-shirt or traditional Indianwear, the smallest of details can ruin an otherwise on-point outfit. So, how do you know what’s acceptable by the Fashion Police and what’s not? We did the work for you. 1. Being Over-dressed or Under-dressed Dressing up according to your style is all fun and games but flat-out ignoring a dress code is a big fashion no-no and shows disregard for the setting. Sarees are versatile enough to be...
Saree, Not Sorry! 8 Common Fashion Faux Pas to Avoid When Wearing a Saree

5 Popular Saree Materials That You Need in Your Life Right Now
The Saree is a silhouette that is as versatile as it gets. This elaborate yet simple outfit works beautifully whether as elegant comfort wear or as a glamorous style statement. Sarees come in every possible colour shade, texture, styling and fabric. Every fabric has a different density and weaving style, which changes its characteristics in terms of fall, pleats and texture as well as the inherent cooling or warming properties of the fabric. Selecting the right type of saree material thus becomes extremely important so you can have a well-rounded wardrobe, with a saree look for every occasion. 1. Cotton –...
5 Popular Saree Materials That You Need in Your Life Right Now

Keeping up with the trends in the Covid-19 world
Hey! how's it going? Hope everyone is keeping safe and following safety protocols during this pandemic. When we first heard that there is going to be a lockdown, we weren't aware that it would last so long and make our drawing room our office. When do we dress up? When we are going out , right? With nowhere to go, we started taking it very easy and made sweatpants and hoodies our uniforms. Now, thankfully after some time, things are getting back to somewhat normal, the "new normal".... With the world opening up again, we're going to have events to...
Keeping up with the trends in the Covid-19 world

Top Party Wear Saree Trends of 2020
Sarees are one of the best go-to attires for any event. When it comes to a party, any woman would want to drape a trendy party wear saree to look their absolute best. However, sarees have been typically associated with auspicious occasions like festivals, weddings & other ceremonies. But, the influx of western influences transformed the way we look at a saree. So, now, sarees are worn for a variety of events like functions, interviews, office meetings, festivals, rituals & even parties! How cool is that! So, the next time you want to make heads turn in a party, just...